Dear Santa,
It's very, very early on Christmas morning that I am writing to you. knowing that you have not visited our home yet. My Christmas list is short this year, but contains something I wish for every year.
Two Christmas' ago, you brought me the perfect present. I didn't ask you for anything that Christmas because I had it all that year. It was probably the best Christmas I have ever had.
Last year, I asked for a Christmas miracle - for you to bring back to me someone who was still in my heart. I don't know how you were able to pull it off, but you gave me my miracle & I spent the second best Christmas I have ever had with someone very special to me.
So Santa, this year, I have only one thing written on my list. It's a big one, I know, but who else can I ask? It might be too late for this Christmas as I am sure you are near, waiting for me to turn out the lights & lay down to sleep, but would you bring......
....... someone who loves me as much as I love them? Who cares about me as much as I do them? One who makes me laugh & giggle & laughs with me? Someone who can forgive me as I can forgive them? A very special person who is willing to try and grow along with me?
I know it's a huge order & your elves must be exhausted, but would you, could you, dear Santa, bring me my Christmas wish?
So Santa, even though I have only one thing on my list this year, I know it's the biggest present anyone could ever ask for & receive. I guess I just have to keep believing (& praying for a big freakin miracle) that if it is too late for this Christmas, then there will be Christmas love in my future again (make it soon, ok?).
All my love...........
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