Sunday, February 11, 2007


"The heart has reasons that reason cannot know."

            ~ Pascal ~


"Don't walk in front of me,

I may not follow ~

Don't walk behind me,

I may not lead ~

Just walk beside me

and be my friend."

               ~ unknown


We cannot really love anybody with

whom we never laugh."

                    ~Agnes Repplier~


  1. I'm so glad I stopped by tonight.  Great words of wisdom.  Thank you for posting them.
    Hugs,  Kathy
    Women were made...
    Woman was made from the rib of man.

    She was not created from his head to top him.

    Nor from his feet to be stepped on.

    She was made from his side to be equal to him.

    From beneath his arm to be protected by him.

    Near his heart to be loved by him.


  2. LOL -  I didn't mean to copy that to your comment box.  I'm sorry.  
    Hugs,  Kathy

  3. I'm here by way of Kathy's Journal, Yada Yada Yada. I'm so glad I found my way here, your words are beautiful and inspiring as well. I'll definately be back to visit.
    (Hugs) Indigo
